Over 10 years, Kickstarter backers have donated a total of $1 billion to gaming projects. Of these, only $236.5 million went to video games (excluding mobile titles).

Today, the crowdfunding site reported that since 2009, 17 thousand gaming projects have been raised on it. The total number of backers invested in them amounted to 3.2 million people.

  • Video games (excluding mobile) collected $236.5 million on the site;
  • gaming devices — $21.3 million;
  • mobile games — $7.2 million

Top 3 video games that have collected the largest amounts on Kickstarter

  • Shenmue 3 ($6.3 million);
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night ($5.5 million);
  • Torment: Tides of Numenera ($4.1 million).

VentureBeat notes that indie projects such as Broken Age and Shovel Knight have also achieved great success on the site.

The remaining $730 million was received by projects not related to the game dev industry, including board and card games, puzzles, etc. Moreover, desktop attracted 69% of the total amount.

As he wrote App2Top.ru In January, the popularity of video games on the site is gradually decreasing. Last year they raised $17.7 million on Kickstarter. This is the lowest result in the last six years.

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