Ubisoft responded to gamers dissatisfied with the number of paid options in For Honor.

Users have calculated that it will take a player two and a half years to open all the skins, animations, costumes and other elements of the hero image customization in the game. If you don’t have time, the same can be purchased for real money — buying all the options will cost $ 732.

Project director Damien Kieken explained that Ubisoft never expected that one of the players would try to open all the available content.

“We just applied the mechanics of role-playing games in the fighting game genre. In World of Warcraft, no one is trying to open all the content for all the characters, in popular MOBA — the same picture,” said Kieken.

He added that according to Ubisoft’s plan, most gamers should focus on the development of one or three characters.

Source: Games Industry