Valheim can compete for the title of Steam‘s biggest viral hit. The Viking survival simulator has already sold over two million copies. His peak online has completely exceeded 392.8 thousand people — this is more than Rust, GTA V and PUBG had yesterday.

Iron Gate studio told about the achievements of the title in a blog on Steam. The developers thanked gamers with a “giant thank you the size of a troll” and said — now the number of Vikings in the game is four times more than it has ever been in the real world.

“Actually, we didn’t expect this. Our goal was to cover the development costs to a large extent so that we could continue to work as a studio and continue to deal with Valheim. I think our future is safe for a while,” Richard Svensson, CEO of Iron Gate, added in a press release.

Also, a representative of the publisher Coffee Stain Publishing noted that Valheim sales show no signs of slowing down. Last Saturday alone, the company sold 275,000 copies of the game — so far, this is its largest daily sales.

In addition to this, Valheim has updated its position in the list of games with the largest daily online on Steam. Now the Scandinavian survival simulator occupies the third place in the top instead of the fourth, as it was a day ago. At the moment, the Iron Gate game is inferior only to Dota 2 and CS:GO.

Recall that the other day the title entered the top ten projects by the number of simultaneous users in the history of Steam.

Valheim went into early access on February 2. Now a team of five people is working on the title, which plans to release the game from this mode no earlier than in a year.
