Released last Friday, GhostWire: Tokyo, although it did not become a sales leader on Steam, was able to grab two places in the fresh chart at once — fourth and eighth. As for the first three games, it remained unchanged. It’s still Elden Ring, Steam Deck and It Takes Two.GhostWire: Tokyo

According to SteamDB, on the release day, a maximum of 5,477 people played in GhostWire: Tokyo at the same time.

But the next day, the online title almost tripled, on Saturday evening it reached its peak values at the moment — 14,086 people.

The users who have played warmly speak about the adventure action from Tango Gameworks. GhostWire: Tokyo received 83% positive reviews on Steam, and on Metacritic its PC version was rated 8.7 out of 10. Basically, players praise the visual style and the elaborated world, while scolding the monotonous gameplay.

In addition to GhostWire: Tokyo, only one new product entered the Steam bestseller chart last week. This is LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which is scheduled for release on April 5. The pre-order of the game took the tenth line of the rating.

Core Keeper moved from fifth to sixth place in a week. Dread Hunger and Red Dead Redemption 2 have swapped places. Now Dread Hunger occupies the seventh line, and Red Dead Redemption 2 occupies the ninth.
