The Haunted Empire that got into the collection today brought me back to the question of whether it would not be better to download the entire application to a mobile device during the initial installation?


Haunted Empire
In the case of Haunted Empire, we are dealing with a Chinese battler, incredibly inflated by gaming capabilities.


Here you have a whole city, and the opportunity to hang on your characters (each of which has not only the “rarity” parameter, but also more than nine parameters, as well as a bunch of skills) clothes and weapons, and a mission map, and quests… In general, the first acquaintance with the project is akin to an unexpected visit to a festival or fair in the midst of someone’s performance.

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It is not possible to call this a merit of the project. Why dump a dozen screens on the player in the first minutes of the session (even if explaining their meaning) – I sincerely do not understand, as well as the meaning of the download, which I spoke about earlier.

Imagine a situation that you downloaded several games at home via wi-fi, went to work with your smartphone and decided to play what you pumped up on the way, and then suddenly it turns out that some of the games require a couple of hundred megabytes more to function. Attention: they demand it at the moment when the user is set up to play, when, quite possibly, he no longer has the opportunity to download all the content. The question on the backfill: what reaction will it cause?

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Yes, yes, I know that there is a direct relationship between the size of the distribution and the number of installations, but it seems to me that the need for additional downloads disavows the benefits of installing an application that does not work out of the box.

Returning to the game: Haunted Empire, despite my grumbling, rather related to the general situation on the market, the project is interesting to get acquainted with, beautiful, three-dimensional, in which you can, let’s say, dig.

Actually, as you can see just below – he has a lot of ratings, and especially a lot of positive ones. On iOS, it should arrive just this month.

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Heroes of Soulcraft

Google-Play1HOS is in some sense an amazing product, since it negates speculation on the topic: is it possible to successfully transfer MOBA to smartphones and tablets. Perhaps. And not in the format of a sophisticated Vainglory, where you need to learn innovative UI techniques, but in the form of a familiar hack & slash with a touch stick and a couple of buttons on the pickup. In other words, HOS is such a Dungeon Hunter 5 on a small map with live rivals. 


However, it was not without problems. For example, the game cannot be called dynamic. The characters move very slowly, and if the creeps catch up from behind, then it will not be possible to move away (they block the movement of the hero). Nevertheless, the project leaves positive impressions, as well as an understanding that some developers who are trying to present MOBA on mobile platforms in too original a way are digging in the wrong place.

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