Still sitting at work and don’t know what to do with the weekend? Try our fresh selection: Crusaders Quest, Hightrise Heroes and Bomb de Robber!.


Crusaders QuestCrusaders Quest is a very Asian game.

It’s trite to get to the gameplay in it. A registration window, a menu, cutscenes with long dialogues, some other menu, training and a couple more cutscenes. Because of this, not everyone will get to the bottom of it. But in vain.  The gameplay is brisk: in automatic mode, a group of characters runs across the map, destroys monsters. The user’s task is to activate strong attacks that fall in the form of pebbles into a glass under the screen. Three strong attacks of a certain kind – a super attack. Actually, apart from the role-playing “body kit” – everything.

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You can download the iOS version of the game here.Highrise Heroes

Two years ago, one of the trends in the mobile games market was quizzes and word games.

And if the first genre did not give out its own blockbuster “on the mountain”, then the second one had Ruzzle of the Swedish MAG as the central title until recently. However, from the throne of puzzles, this game may well move Hightrise Heroes from the British Fallen Tree Games (Quell). The game has all the prerequisites for this: a number of innovative features within the heat, a great atmosphere and even a plot. 

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You can download the iOS version of the game here.Bomb de Robber!

No matter what anyone says, 2014 was the year of Flappy Bird, whose echoes are seen and heard today in a huge number of new products.

Bomb de Robber! – just one of them. And judging by the fact that Apple is currently promoting the game, there are a lot of people who are not indifferent to “complex-simple” games. It’s hard to blame the “yablochniki” for this, the projects, sometimes, come across very exciting.  

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You can download the iOS version of the game here.
