I don’t like the latest XCOM. Yes, yes, I’m talking about the one that Firaxis released a couple of years ago, and whose success led not even to a revival, but to a full-fledged Golden Age of turn-based tactical games.

Релиз дня - Warhammer 40,000 - Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion

The reasons for dislike are purely subjective. To the fan of “three-in-a-row”, two-dimensional platformers and the Fire Emblem series, the Enemy Unknown interface seemed far from convenient. Along with this, the need to constantly rotate the camera in tactical mode and the construction component divided into many screens was confusing.

In other words, when entering the game, it was not possible to instantly be transferred to the battlefield, look at the map from somewhere above and get pleasure from solving tactical tasks not loaded with excess.

In this context, Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch: Tyranid Invasion can be called an almost perfect tactic. The UI is minimized to a purely informational strip at the bottom of the screen, which, when tapping on an empty space, is replaced by an end-of-turn button. Management of fighters is reduced to optional work with a deck of cards. The camera shows everything exclusively from above, no isometry.


As a result, at the output we get the Ancient Empires of the current generation: launched, completed the mission in 5-10 minutes, postponed and forgot. Did you want more turn-based battles, the fog of war and the ringing of shell casings under the machine-gun rain? Repeat!

Although, of course, there were some questions. For example, why switch to Unreal Engine 4, given that visually the game has almost not left the Hunters series of the same Rodeo Games. By the way, to be honest, Deathwatch is, consider it Hunters 3 with space Marines and tyranids. If not card decks, then it would be impossible to distinguish at all.

Or here’s the question: was it really impossible to come up with such a way that the player did not confuse the game characters with each other. They have everything different, but they look absolutely identical from above. Or why cut out the exit button in the game menu?


On the other hand, does their presence significantly spoil the feeling of the game? Of course not. Therefore, personally, I was absolutely not sorry for the two hundred and something rubles spent on the game. The game was definitely worth it.

P.S. You can buy and download the game from iOS here.

P.S.S. Users scold the game, mainly, not even for the IAP, but for the fact that the deceased fighter loses all the experience gained during all previous missions. A little harsh, don’t you think?
