A new blockbuster has appeared in the Glu Mobile library. The company has finally officially released Disney Sorcerer’s Arena – a battler in which the Little Mermaid and the Black Cloak fight each other.

Disney Sorcerer’s Arena 

The company, which earns the main money from games about home improvement and fashion (the monthly revenue of the internal Crowdstar brand owned by Glu Mobile is $ 14 million, the Glu Games brand brings less — $ 8 million, App Magic reports), returns to midcore.

Created under an IP license from Disney, the Sorcerer’s Arena game is an attempt to reach the market that Electronic Arts is successfully mastering with Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes and Nexters with the Chronicles of Chaos. Gacha, character collecting and asynchronous PvP battles are a completely familiar story.

Glu Mobile makes a very big bet on the project. The game has been in the softlonch for a whole year, since March 2019, and regularly received updates, including those concerning balance.

The project finally reached the finish line in mid-December, when testing began in Canada, and the revenue-to-load ratio was $1.6. In total, at the end of the test period, the game earned $ 237 thousand from 239 thousand installations.

Dynamics of sales and downloads of Disney Sorcerer’s Arena (AppMagic)
The project may well have a good future.

Its development was supervised by Glu Mobile Vice President Mike Olsen. Olsen was previously the creative director of the Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes role-playing game. Published by Electronic Arts in 2015, it earned over $567 million.

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