Two of the four founders of id Software announced the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the development of the Blackroom shooter, which is planned to be created based on Unreal Engine 4.

Джон Ромеро и Адриан Кармак анонсировали шутер Blackroom

Most of all is known only about the plot of the new game by John Romero and Adrian Carmack, who once participated in the creation of games such as Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake.

The project tells the story of Dr. Santiago Sonora, one of the leading engineers of the HOXAR Corporation, who created a technology for generating holographic worlds that feel like real ones within a closed space called the “Black Room”. As often happens in such stories – once something went wrong.

The main feature of the gameplay will be the ability to influence the holographic environment, including both the environment and enemies and guns. How exactly this will work is still unclear.

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The developers promise:

  • A 10-hour single adventure through locations such as Victorian England, Pirate galleons and the Wild West;
  • the ability to jump with a rocket pack, jumping in a strafe and circular strafe;
  • three multiplayer modes on six maps;
  • extensive opportunities for modding.

Veterans of the gaming industry do not have any build on their hands – only a few sketches. They plan to release the game by the winter of 2018 for PC and Mac.

Is it worth believing in the project? Rather, no than yes. John Romero’s last big game failed miserably more than 16 years ago. As for Adrian Carmack (not John’s brother, who is also the co-founder of id Software, and is now working on Oculus), what he has been doing for the last ten years is completely unclear. In 2005, he sued his former colleagues from id Software, suing for $30 million, and in 2014 he bought a golf club with a spa in Ireland.

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