The network published the initial XCOM relaunch pitch, which was written about 15 years ago. As it turned out, Firaxis planned to make real-time battles in the game instead of the traditional turn-based system.The document was shared by game designer and creative director of Firaxis Jake Solomon.

According to him, he wrote it around 2005.

Real-time battles are mentioned as one of the gameplay features of the XCOM restart. Obviously, Firaxis decided to abandon this idea in favor of the classic step-by-step system for the series. Real-time battles appeared only in the spin-off The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, for the development of which the studio 2K Marin was responsible.

Also in the original pitch of Solomon, we are talking about improving the transport and the morale/ morale system (esprit de corps), which could influence the course of missions. The developers decided to abandon this role-playing mechanics, as well as the possible free movement around locations.

In 2016, Firaxis released the sequel XCOM 2, which was also warmly received by critics and players and sold 500 thousand copies in the first week of sales.
