2018 may be the year of Russian RPGs. In addition to Pathfinder and Ash of Gods, INSOMNIA: The Ark will soon appear on virtual shelves. This is a story-oriented role-playing game, reminiscent of Dark Souls and Fallout at once. Kaliningrad HeroCraft is engaged in its publication.

According to the publishers, INSOMNIA is one of the biggest publishing projects of the year for them. Contract with developers — Samara Studio MONO — was signed last fall.

“All this time there was active work on the project — we worked on marketing, localization and other external tasks, while the guys continued to work on the game itself,” the representative of HeroCraft shares.

On what terms the deal was concluded, it is not yet reported.

The game itself has been in development for more than six years. During this time, the project managed not only to change the role system, but also to change the format. The developers abandoned isometry in favor of a third-person view.

Initially, INSOMNIA was created with the money of the team itself. But after the first three years of operation, Studio MONO successfully conducted two crowdfunding campaigns in a row. The amount of funds raised amounted to $170 thousand.

This is the first project for Studio MONO. Moreover, the leading project managers had not worked in game development before. Neither the first nor the second did not prevent the project from gaining approval from Chris Avellon and Brian Fargo.

Masters can be understood. The two main USP projects are very fast to read. The first is a synthesis of the classic narrative CRPG with a combat system reminiscent of the Japanese Dark Souls series. The second USP is a retrofuturistic setting, which can be summarized as “Fallout in Space”.

That’s just how viable it is, we will find out only after the release, the exact date of which is not. Details about the project can be found on its Steam page.

Source: HeroCraft

If you have any questions about the history of the project, the specifics of its development, the terms on which we agreed to work with HeroCraft and how the latter is going to promote the project, leave them in the comments – we will definitely ask the teams. 
