Genshin Impact, which is distributed for free and has already earned several million dollars, continues to set records. In just four days, the game has been downloaded 17 million times on mobile devices alone.UPDATED: According to the latest App Annie data, in the first week after the release, the number of Genshin Impact installations exceeded 23 million.

***This achievement was announced on Twitter by App Annie.

At the same time, nothing is known about the downloads of the project on PC and PS4, where it is also distributed for free.

Genshin Impact entered the top 10 games by revenue on iOS in Japan, the USA and South Korea, and also got into the top five most downloaded games on the platform in these regions. Despite a slower start on Google Play, here the miHoYo project also turned out to be among the leaders in downloads and revenue in the USA, Japan and South Korea.

Earlier, Chinese analysts predicted Genshin Impact the largest launch in history for a game developed in China. The total number of preliminary registrations of the project exceeded 20 million, most of which came from players from China.

The achievements of the game were noted by the famous analyst Daniel Ahmad, calling it a real AAA title. He also drew attention to the fact that the Western media mostly ignored Genshin Impact. But those publications that wrote about the project saw an increase in traffic — all thanks to the increasing popularity of the game.

The success of Genshin Impact is a direct consequence of China’s rapidly developing gaming industry and speaks of the country’s great ambitions in the global market.

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