“Dragon Towers” (aka Dragon Warlords), a tug-of-war game in the universe of the popular role-playing game “Dragons of Eternity”, has entered the closed beta testing stage, Game Insight reports.


Unfortunately, only owners of Android devices will be able to play the preliminary version of the game. To do this, you need to register in the game community on Google+ and then go to this link

We, in turn, note the following: Game Insight decided to conduct beta testing with the support of PocketGamer.co.uk , a popular British resource about mobile games. And in this regard, we are interested in: will cooperation with the press at this stage give the game a loyal audience that will be ready not only to catch bugs, but also then spend at least a few months in the game?  

Game Insight is one of the largest Russian publishers of mobile and social games (currently based in Lithuania). Founded in 2010 by Alice Chumachenko. The revenue of the five leading games of the company is $171 million.
