Last week, Steam Deck returned to the Steam bestseller chart and very successfully — it immediately got to the second line of the rating. The first place has been taken by one of the editions of Elden Ring for the third week in a row.

Another edition of Elden Ring is also not losing ground. As a week earlier, it was located on the third line of the bestseller chart.

The fourth place went to the pixel adventure sandbox Core Keeper, which was released in early access format on March 8. According to Fireshine Games, in the first two days the game sold more than 100 thousand copies and became the fastest-selling in the history of the publisher.

Note that the peak online Core Keeper is also growing quite fast. For comparison: on the day of early access, 7,555 people played it at the same time, and last night the online project already reached the mark of 32.4 thousand people.

The addition of Survivors of the Void for Risk of Rain 2, as well as the games Dread Hunger and Dying Light 2: Stay Human dropped in the rating for a week. Dying Light 2 got the strongest of all — it moved down five lines, falling from fourth to ninth place. Dread Hunger went to the eighth place, and Survivors of the Void — to the fifth.

Thanks to a 50% discount, Red Dead Redemption 2 returned to the Steam chart. The WWE 2K22 wrestling simulator, released on March 11, closed the top ten bestsellers.
