Last week, the best-selling game on Steam predictably became Elden Ring. The bestseller chart includes all its editions and pre—orders – together they took four places at once, including the first three. The recently released Steam Deck also showed strong sales.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring was released on Friday, February 25 and instantly soared in the number of simultaneous players.

In the first hour since the release of the game online, Elden Ring exceeded 700 thousand people, and on Sunday evening it reached the mark of 891,638 people. Now Elden Ring holds the third place in daily online on Steam. Only CS overtake it:GO and Lost Ark.

Reviews of the game are mostly positive — Elden Ring received 73% of laudatory reviews on Steam. Critics from Metacritic rated the PC version of the title 95 points out of 100 possible, although gamers there also gave only 5.2 points out of 10.

As a result of last week, Elden Ring was located on the first, second, third and fifth lines of the Steam chart.

The fourth and sixth places in the chart went to The Witch Queen supplement for Destiny 2. It was released on February 22. Note that after the release of the add—on, the peak online game came close to a record mark – only two thousand people were missing from the new record (on the day of the release of the Destiny 2 online add-on on Steam was 292,513 people, the maximum online was two years ago and was 292,513 people).

The seventh place was taken by Steam Deck. The launch of Valve‘s portable console took place on February 25.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human, Total War: WARHAMMER III and Cyberpunk 2077 weakened their positions in a week. Total War: WARHAMMER III fell the most in the chart, which moved from the first to the ninth place. Dying Light 2 went from third to eighth place, and Cyberpunk 2077 — from fifth to tenth place.
