Elden Ring has firmly established itself at the top of the Steam bestseller chart. Over the past four weeks, no project has been able to shift the FromSoftware game from the first place. However, Steam Deck is breathing down her back, which once again got to the second line of the rating.

In fairness, it should be noted that another edition of Elden Ring began to decline in the chart. If before it occupied the third place, now it has moved immediately to the eighth.

Core Keeper and Dread Hunger also lost their positions. Adventure sandbox Core Keeper went from fourth place to fifth, and Dread Hunger — from eighth place to ninth.

But Red Dead Redemption 2 and WWE 2K22 remained in the same places that they occupied last time.

Thanks to the discount, It Takes Two and Monster Hunter Rise returned to the top ten best-selling projects of the week. The best sales were shown by the game of Josef Fares, which got the third place in the Steam chart.
