Users of cheat modifications for the online shooter PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS do not hesitate to offer them for sale to other players.

Cheat merchants promote their “goods” in different ways. Someone appeals to the players directly, offering to buy a modification after a visual demonstration.

Others are trying to have their “superpowers” lit up in the broadcast of popular PUBG streamers. They expect that after that interested players will find sellers of cheat mods by nickname on Steam.

Apparently, some of the players selling cheats are located in China. This is indicated by links to their ID in the popular Chinese messenger QQ and the letters “WG”, which means “Wai Gua” — this is how cheat programs are designated in China.

The developers of PUBG in Bluehole studio admit that they cannot defeat cheaters “in one evening”. At the same time, the problem of banned mods causes a lot of discontent among players in PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS and reduces the rating of the game on Steam due to negative reviews.

Also on the topic:

  • Tencent to release mobile version of PUBG
  • PUBG won’t get a sequel in the near future

Source: Kotaku
