The authors of Angry Birds actively resort to machine learning for the development and operation of games. In the near future, they want to go even further. Rovio plans to create “individualized” games using artificial intelligence.

This was stated in an interview with Bloomberg by Kati Levoranta, CEO of Rovio.

The Finnish company started building an infrastructure for using machine learning back in 2011. Rovio first applied the technology three years later. Today, algorithms are used in the company at many stages of development and operation.

We already use machine learning in development and operation, including the development and balance of levels, as well as in tracking churn. And in the future, technology will play an even more significant role.

Katya Levoranta

CEO of Rovio

We are talking about projects that will be able to offer players an “individualized” experience. Rovio wants to offer such products to the market by 2022. What they will be is not reported.

Levoranta herself clarifies that she is not going to replace developers with artificial intelligence. It’s about speeding up development, making it more data-oriented.

In no case will we give up a creative approach to development,” says Katya.

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