The FbStart program was officially announced in April this year. According to its terms, companies that passed the Facebook selection could get tools and services worth $30 thousand for free for their use. The first results of the program became known this week. 

Out of 800 accepted applications, Facebook selected about 500 (63%). Most of them will receive $8000 worth of tools. Some were a little more lucky: they were promised services worth $ 40 thousand, including $500 free promotion on Facebook.

Among the tools “for free”: loans from Facebook and Parse, temporary access to Adobe tools, Appurify, Transifex and many others. The list is as follows:


In general, to put it mildly, nothing interesting. How much getting into this initiative can help a novice developer is a big question. In addition, given the drop in the cost of packages occurring against the background of a constant increase in production and marketing expenses, it becomes clear that the benefits of such initiatives tend to zero. 

Source: http://venturebeat.com
