The Gamasutra publication talked about the Game Accessibility Guidelines resource with tips on developing video games accessible to people with disabilities.

The recommendations are grouped into three sections: from general tips to more complex and advanced solutions.

Each example is accompanied by comments from real gamers with various features that prevent them from playing on a par with the rest.

The experience of disabled players was collected by the compilers of recommendations through the Reddit forum and other resources.

The authors of the handbook point out that these tips can help not only people with permanent disabilities, but also facilitate the gaming experience for gamers recovering from various injuries.

“Games are entertainment, culture, communication. These are things that mean the difference between existing and living. With serious health problems, the role of games becomes even more important. Games provide therapy, pain relief, distraction and independence,” says the Game Accessibility Guidelines.

According to the statistics from 2008, 20% of the audience of casual games have limited opportunities.

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