Despite the current situation in Russia, the demand for education in the gaming field is not falling, — so say the representatives of the Scream School of game development. First of all, they are based on their own indicators, which they shared with App2Top.

Ekaterina Cherkess-zadeh, Director of Universal University (Scream School)
In total, 72 people were enrolled in the areas of additional professional education “game design”, “game graphics”, “concept art” and in the master’s program “Modern Game Design” (based on MIPT) in 2022.

This is 13 more people than last year — 59 people were enrolled in these areas in 2021. All faculties showed positive dynamics, but game graphics became the most popular direction.

Game design

17 people have enrolled in the game design direction this year — one more person than in 2021. Last year it was the only direction where only men studied, and in 2022 3 girls are studying at the course.

The average age of students in this field is 26 years. The youngest student is 16 years old, the oldest is 39.

  • Under 20 years of age: 18%.
  • From 20 to 30 years: 47%.
  • Over 30 years: 35%.

Game graphics

As last year, the direction of “game graphics” is the leader in the number of applicants. In 2020, 19 students studied in this direction, in 2021 — 22, and this year, after the entrance tests, 30 people remained. The gender ratio of students has changed: last year more men (68%) enrolled, and this year more women (60%).

The average age of students in this field is 25 years. The youngest student is 18 years old, the oldest is 39.

  • Under 20 years of age: 17%.
  • From 20 to 30 years: 60%.
  • Over 30 years old: 23%.

Concept art

There were 2 more people enrolled in concept art than last year – now there are 18 students on the course. Like last year, 80% of the students in this course are girls.

The average age of students in this field is 23 years. The youngest student is 18 years old, the oldest is 36.

  • Under 20 years of age: 33%.
  • From 20 to 30 years: 56%.
  • Over 30 years of age: 11%.

Master’s degree program “Modern Game Design”

7 people entered the master’s program in 2022. There are no girls on the course this year. In 2021, 5 people studied in this direction: four men and one girl.

The average age of students is 24 years. The youngest student is 21 years old, the oldest is 36. Since it is impossible to enter the master’s program without studying for a bachelor’s degree, there are no students under the age of 20 on the course.

From 20 to 30 years: 86%.
Over 30 years of age: 11%.


Despite the global changes in the Russian game development market, interest in creating games remains at a high level. The main thing that attracts applicants is prospects, because the profession of a game developer is in demand all over the world. Statistics show that there are noticeably more adults among students who want to change their field of activity. The number of students is growing every year and will only increase.
