So autumn has come. I don’t know about you, but we will miss the summer, the sun, if possible, go to work in sandals. On the other hand, there will definitely be more interesting events due to the end of the holiday season. So, we are waiting, and in the meantime, our traditional digest of the main events and materials for the past working week is next in line.


The Seven Deadly Sins of a marketer, or how to acquire users and not go broke

7Analyst Trevor McCalmont wrote an article about what common mistakes in user acquisition should be avoided. We share the translation.

Rumor: Apple plans to compete with Sony and Microsoft for console gamers

Слух - Apple планирует конкурировать с Sony и Microsoft за консольных геймеровThe fourth generation of Apple TV, which Apple is going to present as part of the upcoming event scheduled for September 9, was created with an eye to gaming.

Interview with the HSE about the training program in the direction of “game development”

1Интервью с ВШЭ о программе обучения по направлению разработка игрOne of the structural divisions of the Higher School of Economics has been recruiting students for the second time for a professional retraining program in the direction of “game development”. We asked the producer of the program Vyacheslav Utochkin about this initiative.

The co-founder of Akella is looking for an experienced team to develop a strategy

Сооснователь Акеллы ищет опытную команду под разработку стратегииThe other day on a tender was announced for the development of a military-economic strategy. The applicant was Dmitry Arkhipov, who previously held the post of vice president for development of Akella, one of the leading Russian publishers of zero games.

How do marketing companies differ from each other?

Чем отличаются маркетинговые компании друг от другаWhat types of marketing companies are there that help promote marketing applications, how they differ from each other, and which of them and what questions should be addressed, – Nadezhda Matukhno from ComboApp told us in her material.

How effective are discounts on bundles?

скидкиDiscounts on bundles in shareware games give the user the opportunity to buy hard currency at a more attractive price. Isaac Roseboom from DeltaDNA analyzed the effectiveness of this strategy in an article for the company’s blog.

Three-in-a-row monetization: a new trend for selling boosters in King games

Три-в-ряд монетизация - новый тренд по продаже бустеров в играх KingGameloft UX designer Om Tandon in his blog on Linkedin talked about how King stimulates booster sales. With the permission of the Oma, we publish a Russian translation of the article.

Faces of the industry: art-lead Jungle Heat

ТемаNext up is a new category: faces of the industry. In it, we don’t talk to the teams as much as we ask the specialists to tell us a little about themselves and about the specifics of their work. The first article is dedicated to Artem Myasnikov, art director of the St. Petersburg office Group.

Who’s Who: Heart beat Games

Кто есть кто - Heart beat GamesWe continue to publish materials in our “Who’s Who” series (recall, instead of posting game announcements from young and not only studios, we invite them to tell about themselves). This time we talked to Kharkiv Heart beat Games.

Anatoly Ropotov on My Country 3D: because we can

Анатолий Ропотов - потому что мы можемThe other day, the once Russian and now Lithuanian mobile gaming giant Game Insight announced the third incarnation in the My Country series, known in Russia as “My Country”. The main feature of the novelty – My County 3D – will be, as its name hints, three-dimensional graphics.
