An interview with Leonid Sirotin, a report by Alyona Vladimirskaya, an analysis of the latest Rovio game – and not only in our traditional weekly digest for the past week.

Главное за рабочую неделю

Leonid Sirotin: people pay for the buzz

Леонид Сиротин - люди платят за кайфThe AppInTop podcast interviewed Leonid Sirotin. We publish the printed version of the conversation with the kind permission of the podcast on .

Alyona Vladimirskaya’s report on the crisis in game Dev

White Nights Moscow 2015 - доклад Алёны ВладимирскойWe continue to post videos from the White Nights Moscow 2015 conference. Next up is a performance that has already become scandalous the creators of the Pruffi recruitment agency Alyona Vladimirskaya.

AppMetrica: we have plans to implement basic analytics on the stores

AppMetrica - у нас в планах реализация базовой аналитики по сторамWe talked with the project manager Alexander Lukin about what AppMetrica can do today, how it is better than Google Analytics and Flurry, as well as where it plans to move.

Who’s Who: Crendel Studios

Кто есть кто - Crendel StudiosAs part of the “Who’s who” column, we talked with the founders of the independent studio Crendel Studios about how they launched their debut project Robot Conqueror.

10 sites with art for game developers

артThe Gamasutra resource has published a list of sites where you can find game art for free or for a small price. We share.

Love Rocks: 10 facts about the best match game of autumn

Love Rocks - 10 фактов о лучшем match-игре осениRovio did it. The Finns released a revolutionary three-in-a-row without five minutes. Whether it will become a hit – we don’t know yet, but we share why Love Rocks seems to us one of the best match games of this year.

How is Halloween celebrated in mobile games this year?

яымымHalloween, All Saints’ Day, took place on October 31. On its eve, we looked at exactly how some market players update their products for this holiday.
