A dozen of our best materials from last week, in which we tell you how much I-Free earned last year, how and why the developers of the Auro puzzle changed the tutorial, all the most important things about the last conference for mobile developers F8, what is the right mobile design – and much more.


Unreal Engine 4 today
The latest GDC brought at least two big surprises for game developers.

Firstly, Unreal Engine 4 lost its subscription. Secondly, the monetization of Unity was seriously changed, which minimized the limitations in the free version.


The horror game Dark Echo has become the app of the week on iOS
Once a week, Apple selects the best game in the App Store.

It becomes free for the next seven days. This time, Dark Echo, a horror puzzle game from the Canadian studio RAC7 Games, has been announced as such a game.


The creators of Heroes Charge were accused of theft
Shanghai studio Lilith Games accuses the creators of Heroes Charge, uCool studio, of violating intellectual rights.



In 2014, i-Free earned $16 million on games
Some time ago, the i-Free group of companies announced in its results for last year that in 2014 its sales volume decreased by 48%, and net revenue by 29%.

We asked Kirill Petrov, one of the founders of the group, how its problems affected the i-Free gaming business.


Mr. Jump from the independent studio 1Button collected 6 million downloads in 6 days
The minimalistic runner, created and published by an independent team consisting of only three people, once again proved that mobile device users like easy-to-learn, but difficult-to-play games.



Blizzard accused of copying Lilith Games
The authors of Starcraft and Diablo sued the Chinese mobile company Lilith Games, accusing it of borrowing characters and setting from World of Warcarft.

The piquancy of the situation lies in the fact that Lilith Games sued uCool, which cloned (and possibly borrowed the source code) Soul Clash during the development of Heroes Charge.



How and why did the developers of the Auro puzzle change the tutorial?
The authors of the Auro tactical puzzle from the Dinofarm Games studio shared on their blog the story of how they changed the training mode in their game.

A little below is the version of the material in Russian.



Mobile game design: characteristics, skill and luck
The main task of the game designer is to make the user understand what influences his success / failure in the project, – Adam Telfer believes.

We invite you to get acquainted with his article on this topic.



Facebook’s F8 Developer Conference – All the Most Important
The F8 conference, an annual event that Facebook holds for developers, kicked off yesterday.

The company presented many interesting novelties, and we tried to collect all the most useful in one material.



Plarium: what needs to be done to get the game written about in the media?
At the Pocket Gamer Connects conference currently taking place in London, Plarium spoke about how to work with the gaming press.



Mobile market of Russia: overview, forecasts and recommendations
Recently, the SoftPressRelease PR agency published an excellent report on the state of affairs on the Russian mobile application market on the Gamasutra pages, which also affected the mobile games market.

The company has prepared a version of the material in Russian for us.



App Annie: Gaming index for February
March is coming to an end, and the mobile analytics resource App Annie summarizes the results for the previous month.

We have translated the report and are sharing it with you.



Other materials on the topic:
