Last week we had a lot of interesting texts. Starting from experts’ forecasts on whether the new price tags will change the Russian App Store market, and ending with a story about what investments are. If you missed it, welcome to our traditional digest.


Photo: simplysated.comWill the new App Store price tags change the Russian market?

Izmenyat-li-rossijskij-ry-nok-novy-e-tsenniki-App-StoreHow will the appearance of two new price tags – 15 rubles and 29 rubles – affect the Russian mobile games market? market experts from ZeptoLab, , , Playrix and other companies.

3 Key Techniques for Monetizing Users in free-to-play games

3-klyuchevy-h-priema-po-monetizatsii-pol-zovatelej-v-free-to-play-igrahEveryone knows exactly how it is accepted to earn money on shareware games today. However, the developers from Soomla decided to streamline this knowledge and highlight three main techniques.

Rumble Entertainment: Free-to-play is a game within a game, for both developers and players

15About the main problems in the development of KingsRoad and the distribution of income from it between platforms, as well as about the monetization of Fallout Shelter, in our short interview with Rumble Interactive.

How do I know that your game will live?

zombiEverything is decided in the first 48 hours, says John Walsh, executive director of Fuse Powered monetization service.

Who’s Who: Snail Games

Kto-est-kto-Snail-Games (1)The other day, the world release of the Taichi Panda role-playing slasher by the Chinese company Snail Games took place. In this regard, we contacted the team and asked them a few questions.

What happened to the Russian App Store?

CHto-sluchilos-s-rossijskim-App-StoreIn Russia, the App Store has “broken”. Of the eight key world releases of this week, only one was included in the domestic selection.

Investment Guide: six main ways to finance a startup

startapDanielle Deibler, co-founder and CEO of Ignited Artists mobile game studio, shares six ways to find funding for his startup.
