How Puzzle & Dragons was developed; why Facebook bought Oculus Rift; how many users Game Insight has on Windows platforms – about this and much more in our traditional digest for the past week.

GDC 2014: Post-Mortem Puzzle & DragonsDuring the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Kazuki Morishita, President and CEO of GungHo, spoke about the creation of Puzzle & Dragons.

His report was shared by Denis Voikhansky, head of Alis Games.

Nekki: “to make it better, it is necessary not to add, but to throw away”This week, the Moscow-based company Nekki is releasing Shadow Fight 2 on Android.

In connection with this event, we talked with the authors of the game about the industry, clones, technologies, as well as about old and new projects of the company.

Why did Facebook buy the creators of Oculus Rift?Tonight, Mark Zuckerberg announced the purchase of Oculus VR startup for $2 billion.

Editorial Office She told why Facebook needs virtual reality glasses, as well as what John Carmack thinks about the deal.

Game Insight: we have 5 million users on Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8Yesterday, at the App Summit 2014 conference, it became known that the user base of three Game Insight games released as separate distributions for Microsoft platforms totals 5 million.

King tests game mechanics on the webThe British company is not having the easiest time right now – it receives most of its revenue from one game, whose popularity is beginning to fade.

That’s why King needs a new hit. If he doesn’t, the stock price will continue to fall.

Facebook – 1 billion mobile usersDuring a press conference dedicated to the purchase of Oculus VR, Mark Zuckerberg said that last week the number of users of the mobile version of the social network reached 1 billion people.

The Japanese mobile games market has reached $5.4 billionThe Japanese mobile games market grew by 178% last year compared to 2012.

The market volume is estimated at 546.8 billion rubles ($5.4 billion), according to CyberZ marketing and advertising agency.
