Working moments with “hard currency”, the best tools for A/ B testing, as well as the full history of the creation of Hearthstone – in our night selection.

5 Premium Currency Pricing Trends and Tricks used by Mobile Free-To-Play Games

Wolfgang Graebner analyzed the game currency in 32 games and found out a lot of interesting things. Firstly, developers do not like to experiment with price tags. Secondly, no matter what, £2.99 is the most popular IAP, even if there is an IAP cheaper. Thirdly, when choosing an IAP, players often focus far from the profitability of the transaction. Fourth, the “most popular” purchase is often not. And fifthly, when developers inform users about what discount they will receive by purchasing this or that IAP, they usually mean the payment price in dollars.

19 A/B Testing Tools for Mobile Apps

On http://autosend.io / a huge list of services for A/B testing has appeared. The specifics of each (what it is built on, whether it is free, ready or in development) are described in the article.

Pens, Paper And Envelopes: The Making Of Hearthstone

A voluminous post-mortem on Hearthstone appeared on kotaku yesterday, which answers the following questions: how the game was developed in the early stages, what tools the developers used, how many of them worked on the game, and so on. B2C material is boring, but interesting.

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