The ex-product director at King launches his own startup, the senior director of the bizdev department at Unity Technologies talks about increasing advertising revenue, and a new hardcore toy from Dong Nguyen appears in stores.


1. Former Product Director at King Alexander Ekvall, together with people from DICE, Rovio and Zynga, launches the Snowprint studio. The startup is based in Stockholm. They plan to make fritupley midcore games. Hopefully, this will not end with another Clash of Clans.

2. The author of Flappy Bird, Dong Nguyen, has released a new hardcore toy in a casual wrapper. It is called Swing Copters 2. Not much different from the first Swing Copters. By the links – versions for Android and iOS.

3. Mickey Maher, Senior director of the bizdev department at Unity Technologies, on how to increase advertising revenue.
