News in one line: Clash Royale cannibalizes Clash of Clans revenues; Epix Games are unhappy with Microsoft; King is preparing for the release of Bubble Witch Saga 3.


1. The success of Clash Royale not only negatively affects the revenue of Clash of Clans, but may also lead to the fact that part of the Supercell audience will leave the ecosystem of the Finnish company. A detailed article on this topic was shared by Patrick Walker, one of the vice presidents of the research company EEDAR. Read it, I’m curious.


2. Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney is not very happy with how Microsoft is doing with UWP (a universal platform, support for work on which means the ability to launch applications from both desktop and mobile – and, in the future, from the console). In his opinion, Microsoft is tightening the screws, turning Windows into a closed ecosystem like iOS. A curious interview on VentureBeat.


Well, a couple of announcements.

3. DeNA has announced another collectible project, vaguely reminiscent in style of the Pokemon – Monster Builder series. However, this time the Western audience is under the gun (as far as art can tell).

4. King has launched a new project (yes, another one) in the soft launch – Wilbur. Visually, the game is one-on-one Bubble Witch Saga 2. Considering. what happened to the game, according to our colleagues with , called Bubble Witch Saga 3, there’s nothing strange about it (but you could at least change the palette, otherwise it’s easy to confuse).

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