Conferences 01.08.2017 18:39 01.08.2017 18:39 Lyuba Borodulina White Nights St. Petersburg 2017: Mail.En about making decisions using mobile analytics Published by Lyuba Borodulina Tags: developer exhibition,gamedev,,myTracker,White Nights,white nights 2017,white nights spb 2017,whitenightsspb,whitenightsstpetersburg,wn conference 2017,wnconf,wnconf 2017,wnconfspb,wnconfstpetersburg Dmitry Krutitsky ‘s report from Mail.Ru The speaker talked about how to use the myTracker tool to cope with data analysis, collect all the data in the right slices in one window, as well as evaluate traffic and predict user behavior. Tags: developer exhibitiongamedevMail.rumyTrackerWhite Nightswhite nights 2017white nights spb 2017whitenightsspbwhitenightsstpetersburgwn conference 2017wnconfwnconf 2017wnconfspbwnconfstpetersburg