Today, October 16, the White Nights gaming business conference opens in Pervoprestolnaya. It takes place for the seventeenth time. We noted the most interesting reports of the first day from the editorial point of view.

In terms of speeches, the first day is very full of promising reports. The exhibition area may not be reached.

DataMagic: “Expectations vs reality: a tool for numerical measurement of featheringpower”
The founder of DataMagic Maxim Samorukov promised to talk about the role of the feature.

Is it so important for the success of a mobile game today.

Blue Hall — 11:00Playkot:

“Principles of building an epic team”

The St. Petersburg studio Playkot will tell by its own example how to build a development team, why it is worth hiring exclusively fanatics of their business and what a producer should do.

Green Hall — 11:00

Playrix: “Development and support of a 5-year project. Township Experience”

Alexander Zabezhinsky, Playrix Game Design Manager, will talk about his experience working on Township. They promise that it will be told exactly what changes the team made to the project and why.

Blue Hall — 11:30

Public interview with Supercell
Jaakko Harlas, who is responsible for investments at Supercell, will answer questions on strategic financing of external teams, tell in whom and why the Finnish studio is investing today.

Blue Hall — 12:00

Pixonic: “Events in War Robots: how we developed hypotheses and tested them”

The lead designer of Pixonic, Vadim Charugin, will tell on the example of War Robots how the team puts forward hypotheses, how it tests them during events, gradually introducing quests and lotteries.

Blue Hall — 12:30

Game Insight: “How we build esports in Guns of Boom”

Nikita Sherman, Game Insight’s chief strategy officer, promised to explain whether a mobile game should go into esports and why, as well as answer the question whether there is money there.

Blue Hall — 14:00

Kefir: “How to help the birth of a hit”

Managing Partner of Kefir Studio Maria Pestrikova will talk in detail about the development of the mobile survival Last day on Earth. They say he will share how the development process was built.

Green Hall — 13:30

Round table: “PC Publishing Review: problems, opportunities, prospects”

Representatives of Aurum Dust, 1C Publishing, and Hypetrain will discuss what is happening with digital and retail on the PC. Maxim Fomichev from Pixonic will moderate this case.

Green Hall — 14:00

Belka Games: “The Watchmaker’s New Life”: how to grow revenue from the game for 5 years after launch”

Belka Games Business Development Director Yuri Krasilnikov will tell how the team managed to turn a middle-aged project in the three-in-a-row genre into a box office hit.

Green Hall — 16:30


For those who are primarily interested in marketing, not development, we recommend paying attention to the Appodeal report on the problems of publishers, as well as individual Unity and Facebook tracks. There will also be a presentation by AdSide Media, which will highlight how to start buying ads on Facebook.

The full list of reports can be found on the official page of the conference.
