Conferences 25.07.2018 17:15 25.07.2018 17:15 Lyuba Borodulina Video: MyTona on the impact of game art on monetization Published by Lyuba Borodulina Tags: developer exhibition,gamedev,MyTona,White Nights,white nights 2018,white nights spb 2018,whitenights,wn conference 2018,wnconf,wnconf 2018,wnconfspb Report by Diana Platonova from MyTona. Diana shared the results of the MyTona study, which is based on psychological pricing, localization practices and artistic design, on the practical example of Seeker’s Notes. Tags: developer exhibitiongamedevMyTonaWhite Nightswhite nights 2018white nights spb 2018whitenightswn conference 2018wnconfwnconf 2018wnconfspb