
At the conference currently taking place in Helsinki Pocket Gamer Connects 2014 the head of Rovio Mobile, Peter Vesterbacka, whose official position sounds like a “Mighty Eagle”, made a couple of loud statements.

Among the brightest:

  • We are building (the brand) Angry Birds for 100 years, not 100 days.”
  • We use the same characters, but we put them in different game mechanics. We can introduce new genres to people who have never played games before. And people are now constantly saying, I don’t play games, I play Angry Bird s.”
  • Our (gaming) industry is becoming brand-centric, mobile devices, in turn, are the center of the entertainment industry.”
  • We (Rovio) focus on three things: entertainment, education and business.”
  • First there was Mickey Mouse, then there was Mario, and now there’s Angry Birds.”

It feels like Vesterbaka started talking in slogans. There is not much new in them, but their pathos testifies to the serious ambitions of the company, which last year earned less on mobile games than the authors of Minecraft.

A source: http://www.pocketgamer.biz
