Every summer session of the White Nights Gaming business Conference is preceded by Finnish Game Day. This year is no exception. On June 18, representatives of the Finnish Game Dev will meet with colleagues from other countries at the Finnish Consulate in St. Petersburg to discuss the current situation of the industry.

What kind of event?

Finnish Game Day is a chamber networking event. Its primary goal is to enable Finnish teams to share their experience, as well as to help them find partners in Russia and Eastern Europe.

In addition to discussing the possibilities of Finland as a platform for the development of game development studios, the event usually covers more general topics. For example, this time the participants of the event will discuss in detail investing in games and, in particular, how venture companies choose projects. In addition, a separate round table will be devoted to the state of the modern PC games market.

What format?

Last year, the format of Finnish Game Day changed. The event abandoned lectures in favor of large-scale round tables. This format will continue this year.

The event will feature three hour-long discussion panels. After each one there will be a break where participants and guests will be able to chat over a cup of coffee.

This year, participants will be able to schedule meetings for each other at the event through the White Nights Business Assistant system, and a separate room with tables will be allocated at the Consulate for this purpose.

Who will be?

Mathias Myllyrinne (Matias Myllyrinne)
Veteran of the Finnish gaming industry.

He headed Remedy Entertainment for 15 years. After that, he was Wargaming’s executive vice president of development for three years. Since November last year, he has been managing the Helsinki-based Redhill Games.

Markus Råmark
The founder of the investment gaming company Playco in the early noughties worked at Nokia, where he was responsible for game development.

Today, his main business is the analytical gaming platform GameRefinery.

KooPee Hiltunen
Having started his career as a game producer, KooPee is now responsible for Neogames.

The latter not only monitors the state of the Finnish gaming industry, but also tries to help its participants with expertise and investment search.

Not only Finns will be among the participants of the event. It is also stated that such persons as Ilya Karpinsky from Mail.Ru Games Ventures, Anna Baidachnaya from Braavo Capital, Alexey Savchenko from Epic Games, Evgeny Maleev from Super.com and many others.

How to participate?

Participation in Finnish Game Day is free. However, this requires a ticket of any level to the White Nights Conference, and the number of guests is limited — only 100 people will be able to participate. You need to apply and wait for an invitation to the event.
