In two weeks, on June 11-12, the next WN Conference will take place in Turkey. The main version of the program is already available on the event's website. Here we highlight what to pay attention to.

On the first day, the event will start at 9:00 AM, and on the second day, at 10:00 AM. The event features an extensive program, which this time includes, in addition to lectures and workshops, a large-scale consultation track.

Among the presentations on the first day, we highlight:

  • A talk by indie developer Rami Ismail on the 10 most common mistakes in managing a game studio;
  • A presentation by Aykut Baştürk from Unity on setting up IAP in games;
  • A public interview with representatives from IO Interactive, who will discuss launching a division in Turkey and the specifics of AAA development in the region;
  • A roundtable on whether companies benefit from being willing to train their own employees.

Regarding the presentations on the second day, we highlight:

  • A lecture by Alexander Nasonov from Snapshot Games about porting AA titles to consoles;
  • A roundtable discussion on using AI in games featuring Leonardo AI;
  • A presentation by José Pedroso and Giulia La Franca from Gamelight about optimizing traffic acquisition with AI.

As part of the workshop program, on the first day of the conference, there will be practical lectures from Amplitude, AWS, AdChampagne, and Google. The topics of the first two workshops are being clarified. As for AdChampagne, they will discuss working with "burnt out" banners, and Google's workshop will be held as a closed Q&A session where a company representative will answer questions about Google Play.

Regarding the consultation track, both days of the conference will be conducted by the legal company Futura Digital in conjunction with Discus Holdings Private Clients. During this time, event participants can receive consultations from the firm's lawyers on laws, taxes, and migration.

All information about the lecture program can be found on the conference website. By the way, the event can be attended not only in person but also online via the WN Hub platform.
