On June 27, the traditional Finnish Game Day will take place in St. Petersburg. This is a networking event for companies interested in establishing and strengthening ties with the Finnish gaming industry.

Finnish Game Day is taking place for the third time. The event is traditionally held at the Consulate General of Finland in cooperation with the White Nights summer session, which this year will run from June 28 to 29.

Previously, Finnish Game Day was held in the traditional format for conferences: lectures followed each other, which ended with round tables and a pitch session. This time, the organizers decided to change the format, focusing on discussions, round tables and communication with industry leaders. In total, four hour-long discussion panels will be held at the event. After each one there will be a big half-hour break, during which the participants of the discussion and guests of the event will be able to chat over a cup of coffee in an informal setting, exchange contacts and establish business ties.

The participants of the first panel, which is called “Investing in games”, will be Mail.ru Games Venture Fund, Epic Games and several private gaming investors, as well as CEOs of companies that have previously attracted investments. The panel participants will share their own experience and tell you what projects they pay special attention to today and what is needed in order for the game studio to receive money for development.

The second panel is called “International Markets and Publication”. G5 Entertainment, MyGamez, NetEase Game Publishing, Round Zero and Wargaming will discuss topics such as optimizing the search for applications and games, improving cooperation between the developer and the publisher, and the topic of new potentially interesting markets will also be touched upon.

Another round table will be held at Finnish Game Day, where they will discuss the opportunities that companies from the gaming industry have in Suomi today. Business Finland, Games Factory, JetDogs studios, Metropolis Games and Neogames will talk about what Finland has to offer to international game studios and why it is worth opening your company here.

The final panel is devoted to the issues of talent search and retention. Representatives of Finnish Ubisoft RedLynx and Critical Force will also take part in it. They will discuss what personnel problems the game teams are facing today, as well as give advice on how to solve them.

You can register to participate in Finnish Game Day at this link.

Finnish studios go to St. Petersburg not only to communicate with colleagues, but also to “hunt” for specialists. Immediately after the Finnish Game Day and White Nights, on June 30, the Games Job Fair starts — an event where companies will be able to tell more about themselves and interview the best candidates who have sent their applications. Read more about the program on the Games Job Fair website.

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