May 15, Cosmos Hotel, the first day of the Eleventh Game Developers Conference, or, in short, KRI and our first impressions of it.

The reduction of the exhibition area immediately catches the eye. You can still meet booth-babes here, who are willingly photographed by participants and the press, but the number of stands is quite small.

Editor of the Game World Navigator magazine Igor Boyko takes pictures of booth-babes
As Maxim Maslov, one of the organizers of the CRI, noted in an interview with us, their number will continue to decrease in the future in favor of chamber zones where conference guests will be able to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere.

Reports are read, as at yesterday’s FlashGAMM in four streams. And in many, behind the scenes, without any mention of iOS and Android, the influence of the mobile market is felt. That is, it seems that people are not talking about games for smart phones and tablets, but, it seems, about them. Funny.

According to Maslov, the number of conference guests will range from 1400 to 1600 people. Next year, the event may no longer be held at the Cosmos Hotel, but on the Digital October platform.

We will talk about the first reports a little later in a separate post. Stay tuned.
