During the conference "Gaming Industry" (GI), there will be a showcase of game projects. Here are the participation conditions.

Let’s remind you that GI will take place on July 11 in Saint Petersburg at the Cosmos hotel. It will be a major business event with three lecture tracks.

There will also be an exhibition of game projects. Developers will showcase their projects, receive feedback from event guests, and possibly find a publisher or investor.

Exhibition participants receive a free "Standard" ticket (meaning participation in GI is free for them). They can receive one more free ticket by sharing their participation in the event on social media.

The conference provides each participant with a dedicated spot—space for a laptop/computer, access to electricity, and prints a sign with the team’s name.

Becoming a participating team is easy. Here’s what you need to do:

Projects for the exhibition are selected through a review process. You can greatly increase your chances with a gameplay video that demonstrates the key features of your project. Games in beta stage or higher are prioritized, though applications with alpha versions are also accepted.

There are no restrictions on genre or platform.

At the end of the exhibition, the best games in four categories will be announced:

  • Best Game;
  • Best Game Design;
  • Best Art;
  • Conference Attendees' Choice.

In the first three categories, the winner will be selected by the App2Top editorial team, while in the fourth category, the winner will be chosen by GI guests.
