Tomorrow – on the night of January 29-30 – the game will start . It will last a week. The voting on the choice of a theme for game development is now ending, so you can still have time to take part. The authors of the project position it as a Russian-language Ludum Dare.


However, there are differences:

  • less time pressure (participants will have a whole week);
  • the beginning of the jam and the award ceremony will have an offline component.

The rules are simple: you make a game on a given topic and upload it to the site before the deadline. After that, the public chooses the best game by an open vote. You receive prizes, diplomas, honor and respect from the community.

We plan to hold jams once a season – 4 times a year. Now the first jam under the GameDevParty brand, winter, will take place. The project is non-commercial, we are not trying to earn money on it. Pumping digital karma. The main idea is to give talented guys from different parts of our big homeland an opportunity to express themselves, train, find like-minded people and join the wonderful world of game development. Game jams in the west are not always convenient for our guys, not only because of the language barrier, but also because the entry threshold is higher, there are fewer opportunities for direct communication and acquaintance. Judging by the reviews we have collected so far, the event should be in demand,” said Alexey Serebrov, one of the organizers of GameDevParty. 

Event website:
