How to enter the gaming market of China? What kind of games are popular on it? Is it worth entering the Chinese market on your own? These and many other issues will be discussed at White Nights St. Petersburg 2018 as part of a separate round table. We suggest coming up with questions for him. The authors of the top two will receive a premium ticket.


The discussion of the Chinese market will take place as part of one of the round tables at the conference for developers and publishers of White Nights games. The summer session of the event will run for two days — on June 28 and 29. The table, whose theme sounds like “Features of the Chinese market” will be held on the second day of the event.


Five or six years ago, the Chinese gaming market was not taken seriously. Today, Chinese gaming companies are world market leaders. How it happened, — the participants of the round table will tell. They will also touch on the following topics: is it possible to compete with the Eastern giants in their home market; what problems should we prepare for by releasing the game in China; how much should we change the game, adapting it to the local audience?


Miley Chen
Miley Chen is a business representative of NetEase Corporation.

The latter is one of the largest mobile publishers in China. In terms of revenue from the App Store and Google Play, it is in second place in the world. In Russia, she may be known as the developer of games such as Knives Out and Survivor Royale. In China, the company published the British puzzle The Room 3.

Mikael Linonen
Mikael Leinonen is the co—founder and CEO of the Finnish studio MyGamez.

She specializes in publishing European projects on the Chinese market. Mikael has performed at White Nights more than once, here you can watch one of his performances.

Eric Fung

Erick Fang is the CEO of Beijing Mintegral. His company promotes applications in the Asia-Pacific region. Eric can talk about the specifics of acquiring users in China and the cost of acquiring traffic in the country.

Alexey Shcherbakov
Alexey Shcherbakov is Director of Business Development at Pixonic.

The Moscow team is famous for the MMO action movie War Robots. She recently announced a collaboration with iDreamSky, which will release a Russian blockbuster in China.

Donald Tang
Donald Tang is the founder and head of APPTUTTi.

The Hong Kong-based company specializes in bringing Western mobile products to China. APPTUTTi helps with developer registration, integration of local solutions and publishing.


To participate in the competition, you need to come up with a question on the topic of working in China. He or they can be addressed to all speakers or to someone individual. Questions should be written in the comments to this text.

We will announce the names of the two winners after 12.00 this Wednesday, June 27, right there in the comments.

We remind you that the summer session of the business conference for developers, publishers and marketers of White Nights games will be held in St. Petersburg on June 28-29.
