A new video has been released on the Game Maker’s Toolkit channel by Mark Brown. It is dedicated to the unsuccessful game design solutions of Metroid Prime 3.

According to Brown, the developers of Metroid Prime 3 failed to preserve the “key formula of game design” of the classic trilogy.

The previous parts allowed the player to find his own way out of the room or solve a small puzzle without prompting.

Metroid Prime 3, in turn, too intrusively tells the player the direction. “This game just won’t stop,” Brown notes. In addition, the connection between obstacles in Metroid Prime 3 and ways to overcome them is not obvious or confusing.

Brown examines these and other problems in detail in the video below.

The last part of the Metroid Prime series was released in 2007. It should be noted that critics received it favorably, and it received 90 points on Metacritic.

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