We continue to publish the final materials from App Annie. The experts of the analytical company tell us what to expect from the coming year for the mobile industry.


Google will try to solve the problem of app visibility using “Context from Now”. This function (in the English-speaking segment of the network it is called Now on Tap) uses the so-called “deep links” (deep linking). Links allow you to go to the application or game screen directly from the message text, notes, and so on. For example, the interlocutor mentioned the new Cut the Rope. The user presses the “Home” button, and the smartphone shows him a link to the game, bypassing the search stage in the store.

App Annie experts believe that the “Context from Now” will eventually seriously increase the attractiveness of the Android platform for developers.

Mobile esports as a growing source of revenue. The authors of App Annie are confident that the audience of mobile cyber competitions will continue to grow. This means that games with a competitive element will bring publishers and developers more money.

tvOS will give an influx of gaming audience. According to App Annie experts, the release of a new set-top box means the same for the industry as the appearance of mobile phones meant at one time. The number of players will grow due to those users who have never played games before (but only watched TV, for example). Since the segment of paid TV services and advertising generates revenue of hundreds of billions annually, the ARPU of games on tvOS may be higher than on mobile. This means that the revenue will also be appropriate. Note that so far this is far from the case.

Augmented and virtual reality: it will become clear whether the game is worth the candle. In the next few months, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR headset will appear on the market. The way the devices will be sold will make it possible to draw conclusions about the potential of this segment of the industry and about the role of mobile in it. And, accordingly, make predictions about games for VR /AR. While opinions vary greatly.

A source: http://go.appannie.com
