Sensor Tower analysts shared a forecast about how many publishers of mobile games and applications will earn a million dollars for the first time by the end of 2021. There will be 906 of them. A little more than a third of them are engaged in games.

  • For comparison, in 2020, the number of publishers who for the first time earned a million dollars through the App Store and Google Play amounted to 1003 companies. This is 9% more than now.
  • Important: the fall should not be given much importance. Last year, there was a stir around mobile games and applications related to lockdown. Although the pandemic is still not over, consumer behavior has begun to normalize this year.
  • In the years before the pandemic, the number of millionaire newcomers was much lower. In 2019, 737 such publishers appeared, in 2018 — 646, and in 2017 — 622.

  • In 2021, most publishers will earn the first million dollars in the App Store — 581. This is 9% less than a year ago.
  • Games are the largest category in the App Store by the number of such publishers. In 2021, they will account for 32% of publishers with the first million dollars (185 publishers). In 2020, the share of games was 1% less. But, as Sensor Tower adds, in 2016, 63% of publishers with the first million dollars fell to the share of games.
  • The second category in the App Store will be social networks — 11% or 62 publishers.

  • As for Google Play, by the end of 2021 there should be 139 gaming newcomers-millionaires — 43% of all publishers who earned a million dollars for the first time in this store. Compared to 2020, their share has decreased by five percentage points.
  • The second category in Google Play will also be social networks — 11% or 36 publishers.

  • In total, 324 mobile game publishers should be recruited in 2021, whose revenue will reach one million dollars for the first time. This is 35% of the total number of mobile publishers with the first million. Last year, their share was equal to 37%.
  • Separately, analysts cited data on the American market of mobile games and applications. There the picture is similar to the global one. According to the forecast, in 2021, the number of publishers with the first million dollars in the States will be 408 companies. 122 publishers or 30% of them are engaged in games.
