Digests March 29, 2016 One line (Tuesday – March 29) Square Enix can take up the creation of logical GO puzzles for all its major franchises, Miitomo will be released in the US on March 31, and the Contra series will receive another mobile game.
Games March 29, 2016 Deconstruction of Fishdom: Deep Dive Last February, three-in-a-row Fishdom from the Russian studio Playrix reached the figure of 1 million DAU on Google Play just a week after the release. We have prepared an analysis of the game.
Industry March 29, 2016 Unity 3D was named the most popular engine on the gaming market The Next Web resource tried to figure out which engines dominate the gaming market. The result was predictable.
Industry March 29, 2016 Lawyers commented on the Armata advertising scandal Yesterday it became known that the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia asked Mail.Ru Group explain the mention of the Great Patriotic War in a video game advertisement. We have contacted the lawyers for comment.
Development March 29, 2016 How do I publish a casino game in the App Store? Australian studio Atlas Gaming Pty Ltd has released its first project – AtLas Vegas casino. Following the launch, the team shared tips with Reddit readers.