All publications by tag «round table»


Industry representatives on whether it is necessary to indicate the names of developers in the credits: “It’s just human”

The problem of mentioning studio employees in the credits periodically causes great discussions in the professional environment. From the latter, we can recall the case with the release of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One, when Frogwares studio initially forgot to mention a number of former developers. We talked to several representatives of the gaming industry about how common this practice is and how to deal with it.
Round table

Round Table: Why are publishers leaving Steam?

In 2018, the trend towards decentralization of digital PC retail has become more noticeable. More and more companies are leaving Steam and moving to their own sites. In parallel, near-gaming services have become more active. They set about launching their own grocery storefronts. We talked about the reasons for the current situation with experts of the gaming market: Sergey Galenkin, Ivan Pomytkin and Nikolai Bondarenko.