Is it difficult for large companies to create new hits and why the presence of successful games in the portfolio can have a bad effect on creativity? These are the main topics of the fifth issue of Games and Names, a podcast about the gaming industry from AppMagic and WN Media Group.

The guests of the release were Vicent Boned Riera, data analyst at Supercell, and Nikita Tolokonnikov, Product Director at Tripledot Studios.

Both companies have released successful mobile games, and each has its own idea of what to do to create a hit. Together with the presenters — AppMagic Vice President of Product Stas Minasov and Senior Designer of Product Madness studio Jesse Kroon - they discussed:

  • What is a "hit" and what criteria does Supercell use to determine the success of the game;
  • Why is it difficult for large companies to create a new hit;
  • What things are crucial to creating a successful game;
  • How high standards and already successful games harm the development and creative potential of the company;
  • What are the advantages of small studios. Why is it almost impossible for large companies to do the same;
  • What problems arise due to the fact that the gaming industry is becoming mainstream in a bad sense of the word. Now not only people who are passionate about games go to it, but also people who treat games simply as work;
  • What can prevent Clash Mini from becoming the next Supercell hit.

You can listen to the full version of the podcast on:
