Facebook continues to expand the capabilities of its gaming communities. To do this, the company has introduced a new feature in the form of special fan Groups. They will allow streamers to build an audience, and users to get together for discussions or to find partners for online games.The new feature was announced personally by CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg), according to VentureBeat.

In this way, the company wants to strengthen the relationship between content authors and users.

Before the introduction of the new feature, it was not easy for streamers to organize an audience and increase it outside of their streams. According to Fidji Simo, head of Facebook App, the company wants to turn fan groups into a place where streamers and their audience can come together for constructive communication during and outside of live broadcasts.

With the help of fan groups, streamers will be able to create topics and threads for discussions in which users will communicate. A new type of posts will appear on Facebook — “Looking for Players” (Looking for Players), with which you can search for partners for games. Also, special badges that users earn while watching live broadcasts will now be displayed in fan groups.

Facebook has also improved algorithms to increase the findability of fan communities. The social network will now offer viewers to join the streamer’s group immediately after watching the broadcast or visiting the page of a certain blogger.
