Starting today, we will begin publishing the results of our salary survey, conducted from April to May 2023, chapter by chapter on a daily basis. Alongside this, we are launching a new salary survey.

You can participate in the new survey via this link:

A brief comment is necessary here.

After conducting the survey in spring 2023, we spent half a year working on the study. It was completed in October 2023. We prepared a 192-page paper that extensively examines the labor market situation for Russian-speaking and Russian specialists.

This is what we are starting to publish today. The full version in a single PDF file will be released at the end of August or beginning of September.

Why are we publishing it a year after the work was completed?

The reason is that we needed to recoup the expenses for its creation. Again, it took us about half a year to prepare it. Therefore, for the first year, we distributed it on a commercial basis.

Important: despite this, at the same time, in October of last year, we presented a brief free version (which is also attached to this material). It included all the main conclusions and tables from the study.

We plan to do the same with the new study. We will collect data, prepare the study, release a shortened version with the main conclusions to the public, and publish the full version on a commercial basis. Then, a year later, the full version will also be made available to the public.

Another important comment, which we will repeat from publication to publication: since the data was collected a year and a half ago, it may be outdated. However, we believe it accurately reflects the overall situation. Moreover, and more importantly, no studies of comparable scope and coverage for Russian-speaking game development have been conducted since.

Salary Study 2023
6 MB
