The Internet Development Institute (IRI) regularly allocates money to Russian game developers. Last year alone, he invested a billion rubles in the studio. Baba Yaga Games, whose game the organization agreed to finance, explained how the work with Iran is arranged.

Thanks to the Telegram channel Gamedev suffering for the tip, the article itself appeared in a blog on DTF. The main thing from it:

▪️IRI does not provide grants. If you do not fulfill your obligations to him, you will have to return the money;

▪️after the release, it is necessary to report on the pre-agreed key performance indicators (KPIs) of the game. For example, about the number of installations. Moreover, the installations should be free for the end user. If you do not reach the KPI, the IRI will issue a fine;

▪️the contract with the IRI is concluded for a certain period. The end date cannot be changed. You can change the dates of individual stages of development, but for this you need to sign additional documents each time. Therefore, it is very desirable to decide at the start what the game will be in the end.;

The studios retain full creative freedom and rights to the game. IRI receives a non-exclusive license for the created content;

▪️IRI does not object to the game being available on Steam and other foreign stores. But it must be published on Russian sites as well.;

▪️the maximum amount that IRI is willing to allocate for the marketing of the game is 20% of the total cost of the project;

▪️all advertising must be coordinated with the IRI. Most creatives should indicate that the game was made with the support of the organization;

all contracts, receipts and other documents must be kept for three years after the release of the game in case of state checks.

Baba Yaga Games, after studying the conditions, did not sign an agreement with Iran, not wanting to limit itself and engage in bureaucracy. She also doubted that publishers would agree to publish the game with state funding, and the project itself would reach the necessary KPIs in the allotted time.

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