Despite mixed reviews, the multiplayer post-apocalyptic survival game Once Human has been consistently growing its online presence on Steam. Starry Studio admitted that they did not expect such a high demand.

Once Human

According to data from the service SteamDB, on Sunday, July 14, Once Human attracted a record number of concurrent users on Steam for the project—231,668 people.

Due to the large number of players wanting to join, the Once Human servers are not performing as well as the studio had hoped. To alleviate the situation somewhat, Starry Studio decided to temporarily introduce a limit—no more than 8,000 people per server. The studio explained that overloaded servers lead not only to queues but also to data loss, which is unacceptable to them. In the future, Starry Studio plans to fix the server issues.

The total number of people who have played Once Human to date is unknown.


Once Human
